the following carrd contains heavy spoilers for the Shadowbringers (5.x) and Endwalker (6.x) expansions of Final Fantasy XIV.
if you have not completed through 6.x and wish to avoid spoilers,
i suggest looking elsewhere.
— fourteenth seat of the convocation —
— mustērion — ékleipsis — thúrephóros —
beloved of the beloved, we hail.
— in glory, the mystery beheld —
O poet laureate, o bard of eld,
o sing of learnéd Huákinthos, astute,
of scholar's heart, in mysteries consumed,
to weave the star arcane geometries,
the swell of woven magics quick to hand,
a living grimoire clothed in winsome flesh;O northern wind, o sing of thy beloved,
o sing of gentle Huákinthos, so named
that to the lips, the spray of frosted seas
recalled, the crest of waves so pierced
by winter sun, reflect the brilliant hue
of azure light, worn woven at his crown;O western wind, o sing of thy beloved,
o sing of handsome Huákinthos, adorned;
o send on thy kind breeze the vernal thaw
and dancing swells of ruddy blossoms yet
to tangle sweet in glossy-tendriled curls
still wet with morning's mist and lover's breath,and thus embraced, beneath the perfumed bowers,
o sup with he, of flow'r and sparkling light,
of jam-like figs shared sweet between the lips,
of laughter levin-quick to pliant mouth;
speak glory to the touch of clever hands
and greater glory still to silken thighs;
O sun, o sing of thy most precious love,
o sing of crownéd Huákinthos, bride-groom;
come near to that most earnest beating heart
that marks thy noble path across the sky;
come near to arms that reach the firmament
and draw thee down in blazing glory veil'dto sup at gilded lips that part for thee,
that yield beneath the lick of sovereign flame;
to lay thy claim upon his fevered brow,
to drink thy fill of heart's blood, copper-bright,
to set him swooning to thy marriage bed
consumed, of flesh, of bone, of marrow all;O sing him back, o lovers, bards, o sing;
Let all upon the star that know his love
sing well of Huákinthos, devout, adored,
that he might rise from ashen afterglow
to sit astride the wand’rer’s august seat,
to sate the wind and waves, the very sun;Sing back his steps, cast wide upon the earth,
to dream the star awake for weal or woe.
— paean of unknown attestation, believed to have been composed upon flute to mark the occasion of the mustērion's investiture
. FULL NAME. . Huákinthos [ ee-AH-kin-t(h)os ]
. KNOWN EPITHETS. . Mustḗrion, Ékleipsis, Thúrephóros
. D.O.B. . 2nd sun, 2nd astral moon ( modern estimation )
. BIRTHPLACE. . Margarī́tēs, Bebēkṓs
. HEIGHT. . 603cm ( modern comparison: 201cm [ ~6' 7" ] )
. GENDER. . he'd love some, thank you
. PRONOUNS. . they/he
. ORIENTATION. . panromantic / pansexual
. OCCUPATION. . Máthēma mustérion, Azem
— to relish everything beneath the moon —
"TO KNOW OF HUÁKINTHOS is to know of his tenure at the Akadaemia Anyder, beloved of those grand halls as the advisee of Headmaster Akhelôios—a scholar beholden to their wanderlust who would see their advisement transferred to the august hands of the premier scholar of creation magicks, Lahabrea."To know of Huákinthos is to know of their own wanderlusts, an inheritance that the Convocation sought to give purpose with the august mantle set upon his shoulders. To walk among the people of Etheriys and offer them succor and shield against the travails of the star—in his footfalls are mercies. A man beloved of the star without, unflinching before his duty to safeguard the mysteries of his precious home."To know of Huákinthos is perhaps to know of his creations—the kuanéos calculations and their startling intricacy, the pioneering geōmetríā that would capture the color of the sky upon the wings of a petaloúda, released to dance upon Elpis's zephyrs. Perhaps 'tis the signature color of his magic in truth, the azure light stretched as a gossamer veil to shield against the most grievous blows."Yet to know Huákinthos is to hear the dulcet simmer of his voice near the end of day, to know that heart-sad music singing the fulgent light to his beloved west, to the shores of a pearl hewn shimmering from the cliffside."To know Huákinthos is to taste the wine sticky upon his lips merely by sight, to feel his eyes linger upon your own. To witness a tawny shoulder or a errant curl peeking from his robes, the flush of mirth at the edges of his mask. To hear your name in his mouth, sweet as golden honey."To know Huákinthos is to witness the opals spun bright at his eyes when you light on a topic of interest. To see him fold his gilded hands, set his face upon them, and smile as though he has heard the star's greatest secret."
— attestation unknown, rumored to have been discovered at the Bureau of the Architect
— to dream the star awake for weal or woe —
Hello there! Huákinthos is the ancient/Azem of the Warrior of Light, Oz Relanah, and I'm myu, the 30+ y/o oort cloud that pilots them both. To keep things orderly, here's some ground rules:
Be 21+, please. I'm old™ and enjoy sleeping, even when I forget to do so.
Huákinthos is likely not going to be an RP character, and that's okay! I still welcome shared canons and connections with plenty of discussion before hand.
Huákinthos has several established relationships. This, with rare exception, is not changing. Keep that in mind when discussing any plot points or connections.
Huákinthos, like me, is black, queer, nonbinary, and polyamorous. If this isn't your vibe, cool, but also maybe we shouldn't collaborate. Please see yourself elsewhere.
I am a glacial writer with several plates spinning at once, both professionally and creatively. It may take me a bit to get back to you, but I promise I am both rotating the vibes in my mind with the aggression of a defective rotisserie and also gently panicking about it. Feel free to reach out!